Gail and David Sheals -
Lapsed doctors now ploughing a different furrow in the world of horticulture.Gail,
the driving force,has been developing the garden and nursery at Summerdale since
we moved here in 1997 laying paths, gardening, hosting visits, propagating plants,
baking cakes and making jam-
Abi,one of our daughters, cut her teeth on the nursery after leaving University
and helped take the nursery to a different level on a sound footing. She has now
moved on to establish her own enterprise with husband, Tom Attwood, restoring and
developing the nursery at Halecat. Abi and Tom’s Garden Plants are now a true delight-
Faced with the option of scaling down the nursery, David took the decision to leave medicine behind and work full time on the nursery and garden. This gave us the opportunity to take the nursery forward in a different direction, supplying plants that can be seen in the garden and also developing specialist interests in primulas, meconopsis and shade loving perennials.
In recent years our interest has been devoted to developing and distributing an ever increasing collection of Primula auricula.
Avid collectors we are always keen to add to the range..
‘There is precious little sitting. Maybe one day, but at the moment David and Gail are quite happy with things the way they are. After all there are cakes to bake, jam to make and always more plants to propagate.’
James Alexander-
Garden Tour |